How are you feeling?

Just before he said goodbye, Sharron asked.
“How are you feeling about it, Pablo, staying home in isolation for so long, Pablo?”
“Umm,” Pablo said. He was not happy, but he had a plan.
“Yes,” Sharron said excitedly, “you have a great plan.
Pablo, let’s have a skype call this week, and you can tell me your plan, and I can show you what I’m cooking”.
Pablo laughed and said, “yes, that would be great.”
Pablo knew Sharron liked to cook.
But she was not good at it.
That made him laugh.
But Sharron was very good at teaching English, Pablo thought.
And she was a great listener and liked to talk a lot, and one time when she was talking to Pablo on Skype, her cooking caught fire.
“I am very concerned about the next cooking lesson,”
Pablo said to Sharron just before he left the call.
Sharron screamed with laughter
“Pablo,” she said
and laughed
“Oh MY goodness, Pablo, I know
I’m Such a disaster.
Yes, I promise I will not do any fire cooking this time.”
Sharron said
They both laughed, said goodbye,
Pablo felt much better after talking with
He knew Sharron also needed someone to talk to
He was also happy to help.
English, Lesson 73. Part 17 Chapter 1
Start our audiobook story Pablo of the forest at the beginning with our first lesson