EATT Magazine Travel Desk is now open
Traveling to Australia or New Zealand from North America ?
Why not free call us now on 1-800-532-4172
Our Australian based team can help you with your travel plans to New Zealand and Australia via our free calling service and ask us about our Travel Deals and Packages.
We connect with registered travel agents in both new Zealand and Australia to give you the best local advise here from our sunny side team in summer winter fall or spring to give you the best travel agent to help you on your journey.
We know and understand you may need to speak to someone here on our side of the world just to get the feel of it all while you are planning your trip and we have it mapped out for assist you individually and answer your questions completely free of charge.
When’s the best time to call apart from right now ?
Thats easy
Call our Toll Free USA/Canada number on 1-800-532-4172
on our new call centre hours so we can assist you on extended hours
(PST) New opening hours 7 days
Sun to Thursday 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Fri and Saturday 4:00 pm To 8:00 pm
2:00 pm to 4pm Sun to Thursday
5:00 pm to 9pm Fri and Saturday
3:00 pm to 5pm Sun to Thursday
6:00 pm to 10pm Fri and Saturday
Call Toll Free 1-800-532-4172 from anywhere in north Americ
If you are from outside America and Canada simply contact us here and a team member will be in touch by email so we can you

by Cullen Pope editor of the EATT Magazine Travel Podcast

Marketing and Accounting Software
Accounting Software USA Only offer
Website Domains and podcast hosting
Special offers on web addresses
Website Hosting
Video Software
YouTube Video Seo