Thank you for sending us your answers to our English language questions

Thank you for sending us your answers to our English language questions

We will contact you with more lessons and information shortly

If you are looking for more lessons on our website where you can test your English, you can find more lessons here

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How to speak English fluently free downloads


and on your desktop, it looks like tike this

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Spoken English course free downloads

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Frequently asked questions FAQ’s

Where can I find lesson 1?

What day of the week can I test my English?

Saturday: Every Saturday lesson you can click on the form inside the lesson

Spoken english free downloads for mobile
Spoken English lessons free downloads for mobile

Where can I test my English now in other lessons?

Each of these lesson numbers has a form

How to test your English. How to learn spoken English

where you can test your English listening and understanding






What days do new English lessons arrive?

Thursday, Friday and Saturday

What time do lessons come out?

Various times

What time zones do lessons come out on Thursday, Friday and Saturday?

Pacific Daylight Time
Time zone in California, USA (GMT-7)


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