Pinterest for business and fundraising

Pinterest for business and fundraising

Pinterest is great for business, crowdfunding and simply sharing great content.  It’s simple, popular, and accessible from desktop, iPad and mobile phone – ideal to get your product, style or fundraising project out there.

Visit our inspiration board  for a look at makers, art projects and initiatives from around the world – including the amazing team behind  The Flight Deck! from Oakland,California.

It’s all about creating spaces where people can share, perform,  inspire and connect.

Three of the videos for The Flight Deck! have been added to our inspiration board to quickly tell the story.

To donate to the campaign

Ashara Ekundayo Supports The Flight Deck! from The Flight Deck on Vimeo.

Yvette Crozier’s recent article in EATT Magazine goes into more detail about Pinterest, and how it can work for you. To read more, find us on iTunes

Learn more about Pinterest place pins and tell your story

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for more tips on Pinterest for business and fundraising.


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