Level 2, lesson 51. Make a “New Year’s” resolution

Hello friend,

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What are your “New Year’s” resolutions?

What are your “New Year’s” resolutions?

Will you make a “New Year’s” resolution?

Did you have “New Year’s” resolutions last year?

And will you make a “New Year’s” resolutions this year?

These are just some of the questions in today’s lesson.

One of my “New Year’s” resolutions for this coming year is to tell a story.

A story that came to mind one day when I was on my bike when I was riding alongside the river.

It’s a story about someone living in a new city and the things he learns about the world around him

And another resolution I have for the coming year is to learn faster and to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Do you know what it means to Work Smarter, Not Harder?

So one example of Working Smarter, Not Harder could be

Instead of writing long emails, sometimes it’s better to pick up the phone

So, this might work for some people but it can be a challenge if you are learning English

And depending on your level of English this might not always be the best option for you

So in this is the case you might change that idea into another idea such as

to write smaller emails not longer ones so you can improve your English by writing more emails faster

about more subjects so you can learn faster by improving the range of subjects you can write and learn about.

One of my goals also In the future is to Automate more tasks.

This will reduce the number of decisions I have to make throughout the day.

So, what tasks could I automate I wonder?

I know.

I could automate the way I email some of our English language students, here at learn English with Cullen.

If I made a system, then we could send and receive emails, more automatically to help our students.

Then I could then spend more time creating my story.

That can then help more of our students in a faster way, so I could create a series of podcasts that go into an audio book.

and I could create a free and a paid audio book version of the story so this could pay for more of free and a paid story.

Audio books that could help more and more students at different levels at Learn English with Cullen.

Ok, So lets go through the questions you can answer in the form or in the link to the form if you can’t see the form, ok ready.

Answer these questions in this link


if you cannot see a form below. 



So for example a goal maybe to

Listen to more English podcasts

Or another goal maybe to answer some of the questions in the form in this podcast.

Yes, that could be a great goal

Or another goal may be to speak with more people in English by joining a meetup where more people speak English or a sports team, or any other class where people might speak English.

So please leave your answers in the form or in a comment on our website.
And so let’s learn faster and Work Smarter, Not Harder together.

And to you and everyone who supports and your learning journey my friend.
I wish you a very Happy New Year.

Photo by Cullen on New years Eve

New years Eve Fireworks by Cullen



This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions:


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