Do you plan to start a business.? Or go to University or College? English Lesson 44

Don’t forget to listen to last weeks lesson


Hello, Cullen here, welcome back and hello to

Vourchnea, Maya, Aye, Solange, and Cecilia,

Just some of our students from Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, Rwanda, and Namibia.

Who are all learning to speak English and some of whom also speak



Nepali, and Khmer.

Did you know that in Cambodia, around 90% of the official language is Khmer, and It is spoken by nearly 90% of the country’s population.

Have you been to Cambodia?

And also, the Khmer language in Cambodia is used in government administration and for imparting education at all levels and in the media.

So great to have you all with us.

And as you know, these are just a few of our new students like you from around the world.

I have been away, traveling, and working, and so you have Harris, our intelligent machine learning friend here at EATT Magazine has been giving English

lessons while I am working on new lesson plans.

We also have a vast number of new students from Persia, Brazil, Mongolia, the United States, China, France, the Middle East, and Japan, to name just a few places


Great to have you with us,

Do you know the meaning of the word vast?

Vast could mean

A great area or extent or immense as just one example

and these are all great words for you to search on google.


and Immense.

Please also don’t forget to click on the link inside this lesson and tell us where you are from

Now I know some of you are already at University and some of you also plan to go to college,

but some of our students are not planning more studies they are working towards creating their own business,

so that is great to hear

Do you have a business in mind you would like to run?

Would you like to be a tour guide?

Or a teacher, or are you planning to be a builder or something else?

Please let us know in the comments as we can use all of your answers in our upcoming lessons

And what is the kind of English you might need to learn to help you get there?

So have a think about it, and from everyone here at EATT Magazine, we will catch up with you in the next lesson.

And don’t forget to fill in the answers and test your English in this Saturday’s lesson by clicking on the link

Play your next English lesson

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