8 What is your level of English?
Step 1
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Step 3
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Hi welcome back to learn English with
Cullen and thank you to everybody who
has left comments inside every lesson
there is a link where you can send
comments thank you very much for those
and today I wanted to ask you a question
I wanted to ask you what is your level
of English and so we are going to use
the guide that’s being provided by the
International English Language Testing
system and in that system they have a
series of five different levels and we are
working with you basically within three
levels and the levels are what I’m going
to call an elementary level of English
you might describe yourself as a
beginner and in the IELTS system the
International English Language Testing
system you will be considered a level 3
or are you a low intermediate level of
English Learner, is your level of English
intermediate and in that case you would
be considered in the international
English Language Testing system level 4
or in fact, are you, I guess what we would
call a high intermediate level of
English and therefore you’d be
considered a number 5 in the
International English language system
and so if you click on the link inside this
lesson and tell us what level
of English your at
if you click the link inside this, listen
tell us what level of English language
you’re at, and then we will be able to
guide you I’ll be able to guide you to
the level of English lessons that we
have within our program learning English
with Cullen