28 How To Learn English Fast

Hi and welcome back to Learn English with Cullen. Today, our focus on How to Learn English Fast.

And we’ve had a lot of feedback thank you very much a lot of people have sent feedback in the link inside each of the lessons, and I just wanted to say thank you for that.

One of the questions I get a lot recently is “How can I learn English faster?”

Here are a couple of tips: 

Step 1: Make goals for yourself

The first step in learning English fast is defining your goals. Be very specific and have actionable goals that can be achieved within the time frame you provide yourself.

For example, you want to say you want to speak fluently in 3 topics of your choice.

Firstly define which topics you want to become fluent at. Say you might choose sport, cooking, and fitness. Having relatable topics is also great because it makes your life easier with similar vocabulary and as you learn you can relate the topics together.

Now you want to find out what you need to know for you to become fluent in those topics. You need to learn new vocabulary, learn grammar and learn specific content for the topics. Then provide yourself a time limit and start working.

Language learning is about taking small actionable steps that you can achieve in your road to fluency.

Step 2: Be consistent

One of the best ways of improving your English fast and achieving your goals is time. Making sure that you spend some time every day.

It might just be an hour, or it could be twenty minutes, or it might be ten minutes.

And so what I’m going to do on the website.  

I’m going to start separating some of the lessons into time and these lessons you can download.

And I encourage you to download these lessons to your phone because it’s going to be small lessons, maybe three or four minutes.

There’ll be longer lessons seven or eight minutes, and then there’ll be groups of lessons so you can download a group of three lessons.

For twelve minutes or 20 minutes and that means that if those lessons are on your phone, you’ll be able to listen to those.

Even if you think you’ve got five minutes waiting for the bus or you’ve got ten minutes when you’re waiting to meet a friend, or you might have twenty minutes when you’re traveling.

Somewhere you’ll be able to listen to those audiobook lessons learn English with Cullen and having that touch or that connection with English every day is one of the quickest ways that I believe that you can learn English faster, so I’ll catch you in the next lesson cheers

Step 1:  Answer the questions on this link https://forms.gle/9dJbpjL25GsWBxzF

or in the questions below

Step 2:  Read the words below to help you remember

Step 3:  Share this lesson with friends

If it’s your first time here start with lesson 5 https://eattmag.com/_4lO2t7fZzSa1/5-lesson-five-in-english-with-cullen-please-click-the-link-inside/

Step 3: Start speaking with others

If you have just come to an English speaking country than speak with them daily. Or if you live somewhere where there are not many English speakers than find people you that can help you for free.

The best way is finding Meetups or Local groups that are designed for English learning.

Practice with people in these groups is a great way to meet new people and make friends while also improving your goals.

Step 4: Keep a vocabulary list

This is a must. Whenever you see a new word, put it in your vocabulary list.

The best vocabulary lists are flashcards. You can be old school and have physical flashcards and keep them in your bag and whenever you encounter a new word.

Write it down on your flashcard. On one side write the word and the other write the meaning with a sentence and a picture to remember.

Then set a time every week to go over your flashcards so you can re-remember those words.

You can also use Quizlet which is an app and you can also use the desktop version to have digital flashcards with images. It is whatever you fancy in the end.

Step 5: Make Mistakes and Don’t Give up

In learning, you must make mistakes in order to improve. Don’t worry if your grammar is bad or you don’t have the vocabulary to finish the sentence.

If you keep practicing you are going to learn from those mistakes and each mistake is vital so you can improve your English.

Also, there will be days where you might think you have not improved at all or it’s not worth it. On these days you have to force yourself to be consistent and keep learning even if its a small amount because these days are the days that will make you better and improve yourself overall.


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How to Learn English Fast, 28 How To Learn English Fast

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