Untitled art from Art & About

Magda Sayeg : Untitled

Magda installed Untitled as part of Urbanity Re:(Engaged). Her knitted graffiti softens hard surfaces, and restores a human,handmade touch to Sussex Lane. We enjoyed the colour and vibrancy her work brings to the cityscape, as well as the surprise on people’s faces when they encountered it.

Untitled art from Art & About, Untitled art from Art & About
Art and About Sydney

Magda is the founder of knitta.com, and is considered to be the mother of yarn bombing . Recent textile art projects combine knitted work and lighting, and she has taken part in many collaborations. Recently, she has worked with Smart Car and Etsy. Her work can be seen in Mexico City, Dubai, Rome and across the USA.

EATT Magazine is always excited to visit art installations in public spaces. Sydney has hosted a range of interactive arts events over the years, encouraging us to explore and see familiar places in new ways. Last year’s highlights included giant snails, the Conductors Project photography exhibition and Field – the mirror sequence in Hyde Park.

Magda’s works were apart of Art & About in Sydney in 2011. Make sure you add Art & About to your calendar for 2014 Art & about

These works are featured on our Eatt Magazine website as Untitled art from Art & About and  the story above is from an article on Art & About  with works featured in the première edition of EATT Magazine. to read the full article download the magazine with this cover.

Untitled art from Art & About, Untitled art from Art & About
EATT Magazine première edition


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Untitled art from Art & About, Untitled art from Art & About

Untitled art from Art & About, Untitled art from Art & About