Permaculture farming and gardening

Below is part of an article from our premiere edition on permaculture and farming and gardening by Angelo Eliades.His website and his works show in great details the urban farming and gardening methods to used to produce your own natural organic produce.

Permaculture farming and gardening, Permaculture farming and gardening
Angelo EATT Magazine permaculture

Permaculture is a holistic design system that emulates systems that exist in Nature to create sustainable human settlements and food production systems which integrate harmoniously with the natural environment.

The focus of Permaculture design is on the relationship between all the individual elements and their placement in the landscape, to form stable, productive communities that replicate the synergy and efficiency of natural ecosystems, rather than the individual elements themselves.Angelo’s work as a permaculture presenter, trainer and writer shares his passion around food forests.

Read more about Angelo 

Permaculture farming and gardening, Permaculture farming and gardening
EATT Magazine premier edition

More of Angelo’s work can also be found on our pinterest eco design board  and our pinterest for marketing post shares some of the many ways pinterest can be used as a story board for Permaculture farming and gardening

The full article can be read in our premiere edition of EATT with this cover or on the iTunes store for iPad and iPhone

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Permaculture farming and gardening, Permaculture farming and gardening