Permaculture Design Concepts By ANGELO ELIADES

Angelo is a keen gardener and Permaculture presenter, trainer and writer – and a passionate food forest gardening advocate.
He has a thriving demonstration Permaculture food forest garden in Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs which he regularly opens to the public. With over a decade of experience as an organic gardener, his specialty is designing and building food forests – sustainable intensive food production systems which utilize ecologically-based design principles for maximum productivity, minimum work and natural pest and weed control. Aside from consulting, teaching, working in the retail nursery industry, or enjoying time in his own garden, he also supports community gardening projects as a technical advisor, and runs the educational sustainable gardening website: Deep Green Permaculture

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, Permaculture Design Concepts By ANGELO ELIADES

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, Permaculture Design Concepts By ANGELO ELIADES

, Permaculture Design Concepts By ANGELO ELIADES