Online education courses

Find out more about our new online education courses

Start your first free class using the link below

How to record Meetings, Interviews and Chat all on your Smartphone with a new App

New online training sessions begin in 2017 on the following subjects

  • Teacher training courses
  • Learning the English language
  • How to practice your English on your smartphone

As part of our online education program, new distance learning classes will be published soon.The new education courses will be created using a skilled set of training video programs

Sign up below to get more details so we can contact you when these are ready


Classes will be both free and paid

Free classes will only be available in the app
Download the app, so we can contact you from the app when these are ready

iOS app for free classes

Android app for free classes

Paid classes will be on a skilled platform and details will be announced shortly on how and where paid courses can be enrolled in. Details will be updated and published in February and March of 2017.

Online education outline

EATT magazine class menu

Free starter classes – Inside the app only

  • July 2017
    How to practice English on your smartphone

Paid training courses will be on the on the skilled training platform only

  • February 2017
    How to Record ideas, Meetings, Podcasts and Interviews on your smartphone

Join Cullen Pope, the editor of EATT Magazine the online travel magazine. Find out why this creative, passionate photographer and podcaster wants to take you on a quick whirlwind tour on how easily you can record an interview, podcast, or a meeting for two on your smartphone so you to can capture your best ideas from that late night brainstorm and capture your inspiration.

You’ll learn:

  • What readily available equipment is needed.
  • Fast and easy ways to record a conversation.
  • What app to use and how to upload recordings.
  • How to download it or post it online as a podcast.

Why record your best ideas?
Surely you will remember that great brainstorming session over a glass of wine, a beer or that late coffee, the one where you had the best ideas, insights, and inspiration .. maybe, or maybe not

Note: Now updated for both iOS and Android devices plus windows or other phone brand users without the app access can use the Studio for Desktop download to record or live stream, integrate easily with Skype, and manage your episodes and drafts from their desktops.
Requires Windows 7+ or OSX 10.8+.

Class project
Record a quick five-minute interview with a friend, family member or colleague and upload it onto the app platform and post the link below for your classmates to hear and share.

Everything you need is in the class notes, and each of the lessons above gives you a step by step guide on how to do it.

Try to complete your project in the first 5 to 7 days and strike while you feel inspired to get your first recording out there.

Sign up to find out more below


New classes starting soon in


We announce the date of our first class soon and can make sure you will be the first to know by simply subscribing to our first lesson in the details above and we will let you know as soon as it goes live.

Online education, Online education courses

Long distance education programs are designed to create a great online learning experience with students from around the world of all ages.

Continuing education at any age can give benefits beyond gaining new skill sets.Our vision is to share on-demand personalized learning classes that have been created by a team of the world’s best practitioners, more details to be released soon.

Online education, Online education courses