EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs

New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels

Join us for our interview with Wendy Kendall from Waiheke Herbs on our journey to discover New Zealand Gourmet food.

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New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
Leaving Auckland for Waiheke Island

Making our way from Auckland, New Zealand to Waiheke island – the second-largest island in the Hauraki Gulf of New Zealand.

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New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
Arriving at Waiheke Island from Auckland, New Zealand

Located just 35 mins by ferry from Auckland Cullen makes his way to Waiheke Island to learn more from the shores of Oneroa beach.

The trip to Waiheke Island passes the wild coastlines of other islands

And is a popular destination for Auckland locals and international visitors to New Zealand seeking New Zealand Gourmet food.

Waiheke Herbs as a business grew organically from long lunches with friends and family who were impressed by the herb spread and other tasty products. All made with a blend of healthy herbs in olive oil.

New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
New Zealand gourmet olive oil

The spread is made at Rangihoua Estate which produces some of New Zealand’s best olive oil winning international awards.

Rangihoua estate also hosts many tours to show them how the olive oil is made and to taste the many flavors.

The herb spread recipe took over a year to develop in 2004, and after many iterations, it has stood the test of time.

New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
Parsley, an important ingredient

It was important to Wendy the spread could be made from perennial herbs that could be picked fresh throughout the year across all seasons including a few wild herbs from the local environment. Some of the Herbs are grown at Wendy’s herbs gardens on Waiheke, and others come from organic growers in Auckland.

Waiheke Herbs also branched out into an aioli made with a combination of the herb spread also, free-range eggs and capers which is now very popular.

New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs

Beautiful Calendula flowers – the petals feature in the Herb Spread and have medicinal qualities.
While it has been compared to a pesto, it has no cheese, basil or nuts so its one of the few spreads people with allergies can have, and its unique flavor is highly sort after by nutritionists and foodies.

It is very versatile and can be used to add flavor and nutritional qualities to a wide variety of meals.
The gradual process from farmers markets to supermarket took a very small number of years. People of all ages also enjoy the digestive healthy qualities of the herbs. Many of the herbs have been used since ancient times including those such as parsley which is unusually high in iron among other properties such and vitamin C just to name a few.

New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
The sands of Oneroa Beach, Waiheke Island

Organic cider vinegar is also an essential part of some of the products in the range produced by passionate creators for its many health benefits.
The people and the passion behind many of the organic ingredients are a vital part of the process.
The challenging climate both very hot and dry, then cold and wet, produces the most robust herbs as part of the mix.

Health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing are a core principle of the company supporting sustainable values and organics wherever possible for the environment, locally and globally.
Go Green, and Green Living, have been just two of the many trade shows that have helped launch Waiheke Herbs across New Zealand.

New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
Looking out across The sands of Oneroa Beach, Waiheke Island

While the Waiheke Herbs herb spread has been a favorite for many locals, visitors now from around the world seeking more and more authentic gourmet New Zealand food experiences are quick to discover Waiheke Herbs on their culinary journey.

Wendy’ desire to develop a range of products using 100% natural and delicious ingredients began in a unique and wild way.

Wild weeds and native plants

Wild weeds and native plants were central to the artisan story of creating a range of herb spreads and skin care products.

New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs
Herb gardens on Waiheke Island

In part one of our two-part interview Wendy unpacks the adventures of running a successful business on the island, and some of the innovative challenges met along the way.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the interview  on New Zealand Gourmet food and more details can also be

found at Waiheke Herbs

Find more gourmet experiences around New Zealand at the Winery in Queenstown.


New Zealand Gourmet food, EATT New Zealand Gourmet Food Travels with Waiheke Herbs