Master Your Memory Double Pass

Master Your Memory Double Pass

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Entry to the three hours, life-changing event for two people. Come with a friend or gift the double pass to someone else.

Master Your Memory, Master Your Memory Double Pass
Sorry, I forgot !
Is it your time to master your memory ?

By the end of ‘Master your Memory’ you will understand the common causes of digital dementia and age-related forgetfulness. You will learn three key skills to start the process of reversal and hear from participants who have attended a six-week course how their memory has changed as a result.

The master your memory course went onto becoming a successful book by bill Aronson

The lost art of how to find things and the journey has been captured in this interview

Where a campaign was raised to fight digital dementia.

The successful crowdfunding campaign

Master Your Memory, Master Your Memory Double Pass
Master your memory

by Bill Aronson and Cullen Pope went on to raise over $5962

for the successful launch of the book The lost art of how to find things and is now available on Amazon.

The campaign was built around Bills experience

In 2015, I became interested in improving my memory. I noticed that it was not as sharp as it used to be. I had particular trouble recalling names.
Then I realised that this was a common problem. We are all prone to digital dementia, the inability of perfectly healthy people to remember names, numbers, lists, street directions, pin numbers, passwords and all the other vital details of our lives. There is an unintended and significant cost of moving our memory into the Cloud, and that is our memory is declining. Memory is not something that you have; it is something that you do.
As we age, our memory declines. We assume that is normal and inevitable. It is not. I work helping others to double their memory. I am amazed at the capacity of the brain to adapt and change. Tell it that it is in decline and it declines. Tell your mind that this is not helpful and it improves. Neuroplasticity is a beautiful gift. My memory is far better than it was years ago only because of tips I will share with you.

Cullen first meet bill on a flight from Hobart to Melbourne

Cullen recalls our flight as the very beginning of a story about a book that changed not only my trip but eventually my life.

This was followed by the second part of the interview where

Bill has gone onto extending his teaching of his master your memory work as Bill believes in the power of giving away your best stuff for free and now has three courses available on Udemy and has moved into artificial intelligence.

A powerful memory boosts confidence, clarity and creativity. Discover free personalised memory coaching to double your memory.

The following testimonials indicate what he is like to work with.

More details of Bill’s work can be found here

Cullen Continues his work on the EATT Magazine Travel Podcast where he continues his photography

The EATT Magazine Travel Podcast is a recent winner of the Australian podcast awards most popular vote in the following two categories for 2017 Lifestyle, Health & Wellness and the Industry Focus.


About the Castaway Australian podcast awards Awards were given to winners from a field of hundreds who entered podcasts spanning across ten categories:

Comedy & Entertainment Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship Lifestyle, Health & Wellness Literature, Arts & Music Political, Social & Cultural Affairs Tech, Science & Gaming Sports Documentary & Storytelling TV, Film & Pop Culture Industry Focus

Cullen’s work in the podcasting space as host to both the EATT Magazine travel podcast and Silicon Beach Radio has gained him acclaim both in Australia and overseas where many of his listeners are based on a diverse range of countries. He has worked and studied in both the UK and Japan and travelled throughout Asia. Cullen Founded EATT Magazine in 2014 with then a focus on the arts and crowdfunding.

Since then the magazine has evolved into a travel podcast with a focus on education and more recently video classes and tutorials on podcasting, cooking and teaching English using a skill sharing based model. and he is a passionate photographer.

Master Your Memory, Master Your Memory Double Pass