The Future of EATT Magazine

What’s next for EATT?

Hi and thanks for joining us today at Eatt Magazine. We have a little bit of an unusual program today.

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As we are closely approaching our 100th podcast, we want to give you a little bit of an update today.

So today is an update on our Eatt Magazine website and an update on the other projects that we’re working on. So for those of you who’ve been with us a long time, we can see the numbers have been steadily growing. Thanks for hanging with us.

You can get more details on our website Eatt.

Before we launch into our next series, which is around Sydney, as we continue our journey there, we just wanted to give you an opportunity to send us some feedback, and you can do that by emailing me at Cullen at

Just as we’re about the finish the Eatt website, we wanted to reach out to you, and ask you for some feedback on the site and get some ideas from you. By all means, do have a look at the new website.

There’s a still a bit to go, but we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible on mobile, and we’ve tried to give you really clear categories where you can quickly download a podcast for your flight, or your train trip or wherever it is that you are going.

We’ve split those, podcasts into really a very simple series of travel.

eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine
Lions at the Aquila Game Reserve Western Cape EATT Magazine EATT Magazine

You can search for something different, and we’ve got some Silicon Beach Radio podcasts on there as well.

There’s a whole gourmet series for those of you that are interested in food and wine

eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine
New Zealand Organic Garlic

and also photography, for those of you that have just joined us recently.

eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine
Chris and Cullen chatting over wine with lunch

We have also got some great stuff on history and as well as art and science. Therefore, they all sort of fall into these huge categories where we’ve got a nice easy feature topics area where you can click on Australia education, Tasmania, Entrepreneurs, Hobart.

Additionally, you can listen to the New Zealand series, Technology, Travel, as well as a whole series of podcasts on social good. There are also some health self-improvement tips as well as we really start expanding our categories out.

If you go onto the website now, EATT  you’ll be able to see how long podcasts and get some great Instagram tips for those of you that are into it. There is also crowdfunding

eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine
Oscar shares his insights on equity crowdfunding in Canada on EATT Magazine

Oscar A Jofre Co-Founder, President/CEOas well which are for those of you that are into the startup space and are looking to raise funds.

Also, in the news, there’s been a lot of things that are happening for us, and you’ll be able to go to the news section and get the latest update.

Cullen interviewed Sydney Armani from Silicon Valley sharing his vision from the Annual Silicon Valley Crowdfunding conference, which was a fantastic insight on crowdfunding in the USA.

Sydney Armani has also sent us 2019 Blockchain Mastermind Series.


Feb 1st New York
Mar 6 Los Angeles
Apr 5~6 Silicon Valley
May 3 London
Jun 7 Toronto
July 11 Atlanta
Oct 3~4 Washington DC

Blockchain Mastermind topics include:
Investment Pitch
Alternative Investment
Crowdfunding & REGA Plus
Artificial Intelligence
STO’s Securities Token Offering
Blockchain & Real Estate
DAO, The Ethereum
SEC Laws, Rules, Regulations & Compliance
Blockchain & Banking Industry
Cryptocurrency Investment Course
ETF Cryptocurrency Market

I would encourage you to certainly go in and then and check out the new sections we have updated and have a look at things that are going on there and, really rip into it.

Also, we do want your feedback on Eatt’s website like what do you like, what do you think?

Is it easy to navigate and does it flow?

In the next couple of weeks we go into the last part of this podcast update, and so we’ve got a great developer, we’ve got a fantastic SEO team as well working on our SEO. So a shout out to Muz who’s helping us with our SEO and we’ve got a whole range of people working in Google analytics as well. So we’ve got some great things happening there, and I just wanted to bring you up to speed.

We’ve also recently registered with Himalaya which is a new place for discovering and listening to podcasts. It’s also a place that allows you to find a variety of other podcasts as well and so we’ve registered with them now, so if you go to Himalaya and search for EATT and you can follow us there, and there is as a way to donate towards some of our projects there as well.

Furthermore, for those of you that don’t know, we have started a project around teaching and Learning English.

eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine

And so there’s a whole series of Learning English with Audio podcasts that are coming out.

We’ve just put the first 12 out so we can get the data back on those and so if you know anyone that wants to learn English, we would certainly like them to join us for that program.

Also, I guess just the other thing, somebody asked the other day what I was reading, and sorry, I didn’t get back to you, but I know that you’re listening to this podcast, so rather than send you an email, I can tell you here.

The book that I’m reading at the moment is a great book called Systems Thinking Made Simple, by Derek Cabrera and Laura Cabrera.

The book has been a game changer for us here at the Magazine. In terms of the system thinking, we’re applying it in a whole range of things that we’re doing.

I think I may be talking to people about systems thinking on Silicon Beach Radio and there’s going to be three shows coming out of that. But I just wanted to touch base very briefly with you and wanted to say thanks for supporting us.

eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine
Anthony an Ambassador for Silicon beach in the USA

It’s been really tremendous and if you want to get in touch and give us some feedback on the website, we’d really appreciate that at EATT. You can also reach out at send me an email, tell me what you think of the site.

Right now, we’re not that big out on the social media scene, to some degree. We’ve got some awesome photos on Instagram, and that has been good.

That is where we feel most comfortable and so certainly happy for you to follow us and share with us on Instagram. That’d be great to have you there as well.

So, I just wanted to wrap up and give you a little bit of an idea of what’s happening with Eatt Magazine as we will be spending a lot more time in Sydney as we start wrapping that series up.

Then we’ve got a whole new destination, which I’m not able to reveal at the moment, but we are working on all of that programming as well.

Finally, I know that some people want to contribute towards the English language project so I think you can do that through Himalaya now.

You can go on and donate $3 or $5 towards that project or whatever you feel like you might want to do.

With all that money, 100% goes into the production of Learn English with Cullen podcast and we’ll be teaching not just English, we will also be explaining systems thinking that we started to do as well.

So, that’s it for me, just really a bit of a thank you and a bit of a catchup and it’s onwards and upwards and then, we scrap back into Sydney.

I’m looking forward to catching you soon and thanks for staying with us. Thanks for sharing our podcast and thanks for supporting us. We really appreciate it and so we’ll catch you next time.


eatt website, The Future of EATT Magazine