34 : Digital Dementia Part 2

Part 2 of Digital dementia and The Lost Art of How to Find Things

Take your first memory test with Bill Aronson.

In this Digital dementia test, test your memory and find out more about Digital dementia

Grab a piece of paper and take the test with us

Find out more about the campaign here http://www.pozible.com/project/204106

Here si a sample of the rewards

Digital dementia test, 34 : Digital Dementia Part 2


Get your first edition electronic copy of the “The Lost Art of How to Find Things” + our online newsletter.

Keep your valuables safe. Help your friends find lost items. Save money, time and end the frustration of absent mindedness.

Reviewers write –
“The cure for digital dementia” – Glen Ransley – Deloitte
“Clear, concise & well illustrated” Barbara Etter – APM Barrister
“Change your life for the better” – Darren Osborn – CEO Headway
PDF edition

How the funds will be used

The first $A 4,000 enabled us to hire a venue in Hobart for two hundred people and to pay for professional staging, lighting and recording. All staffing will be voluntary. We achieved that goal within the first 48 hours of the campaign.

Now we have moved on to raise a further $6,000 to design, develop and print “The Lost Art of How to Find Things”. The content is ready but needs to be professionally designed and laid out so it can be published electronically and in paperback. We need your help.

Any additional funds would be used to pay for infrastructure, administration, video production and marketing costs to promote this work to the wider community through workshops both online and face to face.

Bill’s next interview will be on The C Method with  Christina Canters  Podcaster, coach, public speaker, workshop facilitator and powerful, effective communicator

The campaign raised almost $6000 as part of the EATT Magazine crowdfunding campaign

Digital dementia test, 34 : Digital Dementia Part 2