35 : How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign?

How to run a successful marketing crowdfunding campaign?

Customer Happiness Ninja Elliot revisits us to cover some more fundamental elements of what makes a successful crowdfunding campaign from pozible.com.

Elliot from pozible.com works closely with a range of projects, coaching creators on what makes a campaign compelling and the best practices for getting the campaign out there.

In this crowdfunding podcast, Elliot covers

FAQ’s from pozible.com which include

What is a pledge?
A pledge is your proof to pay if the campaign hits it targets.

When you pledge you leave your payment information with us.

If the project reaches its target, we take out your pledge amount and forward it to the campaigner.

What if the the target is never reached?

We delete the pledge information, and the campaigner isn’t obliged to fulfil the campaign outcomes or deliver the rewards.

How does crowdfunding work on pozible?

Project creators set up a campaign page where they list vital information on their project, the funding amount they need to realise this.

The timeframe for the campaign and things they can offer to people in exchange for financial support (also known as ‘rewards’).

If the project doesn’t reach the target amount within the time limit, no money changes hands, and the supporters are never charged for their pledge.

If the project hits, it’s funding target the supporters money is collected, and the creator fulfils the project outcomes and delivers the ‘rewards’ to the supporters.

  • How do rewards work and what are the critical takeaway tips when crowdfunding
  • How to run a successful marketing campaign and getting Marketing Consulting help.
  • When to start making your community ahead of time
  • Who can help in your campaign success
  • Wher does video fit into your strategy and how important is it

    Explore projects ending soon http://www.pozible.com/list/alt/0/all/0

Check out the crowdfunding podcast in part one

25: Crowdfunding Platform Ninja Elliot from Pozible



crowdfunding campaign, 35 : How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign?