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EATT Gourmet Travel Tours Magazine

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EATT Gourmet Travel Tours magazine for iPad and iPhone

In this free EATT Gourmet magazine edition find out where in the winter you can enjoy a hot mulled wine or a hot a smokey buttered rum which is just what you need to warm up after a day skiing.

And discover where in the world a snow picnic is better than no picnic as we capture some of the mountain spirits that make this an extraordinary place in the world. I hope you enjoy reading and listening to this issue as much as we did making it.

Free EATT Gourmet Magazine

We meet the founder of Waiheke Herbs and hear the story of this extraordinary herb spread.
An award-winning spread that is not only nutritious but has been crafted by an astounding team of locals.

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Queenstown, featured in this edition of EATT Gourmet Magazine

Into the heart of Queenstown

From there we head into the heart of Queenstown where we make our way into a wine store that proves challenging to leave.

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EATT Gourmet Magazine, Queenstown, New Zealand

With over 80 New Zealand wines, The Winery is a great place to soak up the “vibe” that makes Queenstown so unique.

Where in the winter you can enjoy a hot mulled wine or a hot a smokey buttered rum which is just what you need to warm up after a day skiing.
And speaking of skiing in our mid-issue update out soon we will take a trip up the mountains with Debra Waters when our new ski videos are released. At this point, I decided that a snow picnic is better than no picnic and we capture some of the mountain spirits that make this an extraordinary place in the world inside your free EATT Gourmet magazine.

Free EATT Gourmet magazine, Download your free EATT Gourmet Travel Tours magazine