Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram

For the perfect White Night Melbourne find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram

Events go from  7pm – 7am on Saturday 20 February when White Night Melbourne turns the city on its head for a celebration of culture and creativity.#WhiteNightMelb

Cullen Pope our resident photographer and podcaster has a few tips for #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram

Feel free to copy and share our images on #instagram they are sized perfectly at 640 x 640 and can be used with the hash tag #WhiteNightMelb and include a small image of feather from EATT on air and find EATT Magazine here on instagram

Download the #WhiteNightMelb map and have a clear plan on the night of where you are going

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


Download the #WhiteNightMelb program

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


Public Transport Victoria is running trains, trams and Night Buses all night 

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


Take a good camera as well as your phone with batteries fully charged and extra camera cards

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


Connect to #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


Check out the #WhiteNightMelb trails

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram


Find food and drinks at #WhiteNightMelb and find EATT Magazine here on instagram

#WhiteNightMelb on Instagram, Find #WhiteNightMelb on Instagram