14 : Random Drinks and Getworm, two startups in the making

Random Drinks and Getworm, two startups in the making

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Melbourne Silicon Beach, 14 : Random Drinks and Getworm, two startups in the making

Join Sanjay at Melbourne Silicon Beach talking about his new meetup created by 2 random dudes, having random drinks, looking to meet random people, doing random things at a specific place on a Friday night! 

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Join Sarthak from Getworm at Melbourne Silicon Beach

Melbourne Silicon Beach, 14 : Random Drinks and Getworm, two startups in the making

The excerpt below is from a recent article in EATT Magazine.

If I ask you to describe the relationship between a startup and early users, what would you say? Perhaps producer-consumer? What if I say they are both the same? What if I say they both can be described with “one word” from the dictionary, that is:
pioneer pʌɪəˈnɪə/
1. a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area
2. a person who goes before others to prepare or open up the way; one who begins, or takes part in beginning, some enterprise, course of action, etc.

So in a way, both startups and users are a part of the same community! A community that wants to see problems solved, a community that is not afraid to try, a community that embrace new ideas and a community that can benefit from each other.

Yet while every Startup is seeking answer to “How to get our first 1000 users fast …superman fast?”
Early Adopters are thinking “What’s in it for me?”

Inspired by the challenge and with the simple idea of “early bird gets the worm”, we thought “How about attracting the curious & engaging community of early adopters, and how to get them more excited about a startup?” An idea came – “Let’s get them worms!”

Melbourne Silicon Beach, 14 : Random Drinks and Getworm, two startups in the making


And so we launched Get Worm getworm.com

Get Worm helps early adopters/enthusiasts and young startups discover and love each other. Startups create exclusive rewards (worms) for users to join them at an early stage.

Book a table at the Melbourne Silicon Beach – Startup Spring 2015 Meetup

Tuesday, 29 September 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (AEST)

Melbourne Silicon Beach, 14 : Random Drinks and Getworm, two startups in the making