This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date

innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date




California’s Historical Redwoods
Ren Butler provides a glimpse of the importance of the mighty coastal redwood forests to the development of the San Francisco area.
But with such a significant past, is the adaptability of the redwoods enough to secure their future? Greater understanding of their survival tactics may be the key.
innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date



Lives Through the Lens
The art of photography is creating more than just images for a group of people with epilepsy in the United Kingdom, as Laura Robinson explains.A unique exhibition is opening people’s eyes to the realities of living with epilepsy and has paved the way for greater awareness of the condition.
innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date


Virtual Reality is Back!
Ever wondered what happened to virtual reality? Joel de Ross explores how it never really disappeared and why we’ll be hearing a lot more about it in the not-too-distant future. Tech giants are investing billions in immersive technologies and the scene is being set for massive change.

innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date
Virtual Reality is Back!



Captivating Cappadocia
Tales of Turkey tempt travellers who haven’t been there and lure back those who have, as EATT’s subeditor Liz Stephens recently discovered. The Cappadocia region has a reputation as a must-see tourist destination, and if you prefer natural landscapes to manmade ones, it’s easy to see why.
innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date


Play, Challenge and Adventure
While engaging kids is an ongoing challenge for schools, one pioneering program is designed to banish boredom in the classroom and encourage inspiration. Ex-stunt performer and self-education specialist Brett Solomano investigates the positive effect change is having on learning.
innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date



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innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date

innovative iPad magazine to date, This is our most innovative iPad magazine to date