6 How do you learn English? Lesson six with Cullen lets learn more
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Hi and welcome back to learning English
with Cullen how are you today?
How is your English language?
Are you picking up
things as we move along?
I’m going to ask
you today to think about how it is that
you learn English? What is the best way
that you feel that you can learn English
is it audiobooks?
Like the kind of things that
we use here to learn English with
Or is it reading a book do you
like to read paper books?
or read the newspaper?
or do you like to I guess
read online on your phone or your iPad?
Do you read articles on the Internet?
is that a good way of you learning English?
Or is it watching videos or movies or
movies or are movies to fast?
The people in the film are
speaking English to fast and so you can’t
keep up you can’t understand what’s
So is YouTube a better way for you?
I guess learn English at a slower pace where people might be
speaking slowly
Are there any favourite YouTube videos
you watch that helps you to learn English?
or is talking to somebody?
having a conversation with somebody in English?
is that the best way
for you to learn English?
everybody likes different ways to learn
and so I’d like to know what is the best
way that you can learn English?
or what is the way that you enjoy learning
English the most?
so click the link https://eattmag.com/_4lO2t7fZzSa1/contact/
inside this lesson and tell me what the is
best way or the most helpful way for you
to learn English?