3 English lesson three with Cullen brought to you by EATT Magazine

Hello and welcome to English with Cullen

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How are you today?

Are you feeling happy?

Or are you tired?


In today’s lesson, I’m going to ask you a few things about visiting places in Australia.

And in this first lesson, imagine you have just woken top, and you want to visit some of the most famous places in Sydney.


Where would you like to go?

Sydney central station

The Opera house

China town

or Bondi beach


It is getting very late after you have been visiting different places in Sydney and you have missed the last bus and the last train

if you decide not to get a taxi, which app will you use to get a lift



A: Grab

B: Uber

C: Didi

D:  Ctrip


Now please don’t forget to download this lesson onto your phone so you can hear it again later and replay it without the internet

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And you can send me your answers to these questions below

so ill catch you in the next lesson cheers

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, 3 English lesson three with Cullen brought to you by EATT Magazine

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