26 Do you have any questions on the new words used in the last lesson ?


Hi and welcome back to English with Cullen.

So how did you go in that lesson? 

Were there any questions that you had from that lesson?

if so click the link inside this language lesson https://forms.gle/BupJwhnzDnrhHLnz7

And send us your comments, send us any questions you had about that lesson and send us any new words that you’ve learnt.

Because as we move through each lesson we’re going to be taking the words that you’re learning, the sentences that you’re learning and we’re going to be rebuilding them so that in lessons in the future you’re able to receive those words again in different ways.

So that you can memorise them, so it makes it easier and faster for you to learn English so click the link below and send us your comments inside this lesson Cheers

Step 1 Answer the questions on this link https://forms.gle/BupJwhnzDnrhHLnz7  

Step 2 Read the words below to help you remember  

Step 3 Share this lesson with friends

If it’s your first time here start with lesson 5 https://eattmag.com/_4lO2t7fZzSa1/5-lesson-five-in-english-with-cullen-please-click-the-link-inside/


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, 26 Do you have any questions on the new words used in the last lesson ?

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