11 Join us for English with Cullen on EATT Magazine for lesson Eleven

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12 Make time to learn English every day in lesson twelve thank you

Hi, welcome back to learn English with Cullen and today I wanted to explain to you.

How classes work, so classes will come out on the audiobook file first so that’s the mp3 that you can listen to
that you can download onto your phone.

Or you can push play and you can listen to it so that it’s actually playing on your phone and those lessons come out on
the website at eattmag.com

That’s where the lessons come first, then you can go inside our app

step 2 and get the notes for lesson that the app is available on iTunes and on

Android and that gives you more detail inside the lessons inside the audio lesson so you’re getting more detail
from that lesson in there, that’s step 2

And then lastly step 3 the lessons come out on video and so the video lesson on

YouTube will always be the last lesson that’s where the lesson ends so, please

by all means, start with the audio files listen to the audio first then second go

to the app and get your notes and then thirdly come to YouTube and you get an

update of the lesson here on YouTube so please, by all means, go through the

process step one is audio our audiobook at eattmag com step 2 is of course the

app the notes inside the app which will really help you you can download that app it’s

completely free and then step number three is the lesson comes out here on

YouTube so we’ll catch you in the next lesson


, 11 Join us for English with Cullen on EATT Magazine for lesson Eleven

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